Committing yourself to CRNA school is an investment in yourself and your future to an extent that is hard to conceptualize until you’re in it. Through your application you’ll have to be able to convey being a CRNA as something you’ve always wanted. And when interview time comes it will be your job to display that passion to your interviewers, so they understand that being a part of their program is something you’ve thoroughly thought about.
When it comes to pursuing nurse anesthesia, you will often hear that if you do not have a “why” getting through those three long years is going to feel impossible. I can attest that when you know and understand your “why” you have a better sense of direction and making it through those challenging moments during school.
The importance of knowing your “why” was popularized by Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why where he emphasizes that successful individuals and organizations operate with a clear understanding of their purpose, which inspires others and sustains their success.
Why do you need a “why”?:
- Provides clarity and focus during your application and interview process
- Gives you the driving force to stay disciplined not just motivated
- Staying resilient during challenges and transitions in school
So let’s figure out how to identify yours:
- WINS: What moments in your career felt the most fulfilling? What part of healthcare would you like to impact most – critical care vs. primary care?
- PASSIONS: Clarify how you want to impact the healthcare field. What is your passion or sector? What are you passionate about? What drives you the most?
- LONG TERM GOALS: Your “why” is often tied to your values. Are you going back to school seeking growth? For the progression of your family? For your kids to be able to live a better life? For financial freedom?
- STRUGGLES: Consider the challenges you’ve overcome in your career. What did you learn from these experiences that you could apply to your CRNA school journey?
- GRIT: Was there a challenging moment in your life that you overcame with grit and tenacity? Think of the qualities needed to pursue through graduate education and how you can relate this to your goal of becoming a CRNA.
Being sure of yourself and what you want in the long and short term in pursuing CRNA school will give you better direction in your application, interview, and matriculation process. Understanding your “why” is going to help get you through those long study days and the highs and lows of school. Finding the grit that you need to get to the finish line, especially when the going gets tough will be your driver. At some point motivation ends and discipline will drive those 16 hour days of clinical, studying and boards prep. You must know with 100% certainty that the CRNA profession is something you want for yourself.
Dig deep and find your “why”!
– Nali A., RRNA
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