Related Resources + Files

Time to discuss the functions of the kidney, its role in acid base balance, and some different diuretics and where they work. Plus, BUN vs. creatinine, ADH, aldosterone, ANP, the RAAS system, and acute vs. chronic renal failure.

Resources coming soon!
How do I find about issues facing the profession ?
Before you are able to articulate how you plan to contribute to the future of the CRNA profession, it might be helpful to identify some current issues facing the CRNA world. A great place to start would be the AANA website, there are lots of resources for you there, including past journal articles written by CRNAs.
- CRNA Fast Facts
- View Past Issues of the AANA Journal
- AANA Opt-Out State Sheet
- AANA Website – Check for National AANA Meeting dates + locations
- “Become a CRNA” AANA Sheet
Another great place to learn about current topics + trends would be AANA meetings, both state meetings and national meetings. If you can’t attend a meeting before your essay is due, find an upcoming meeting (search multiple state AANA meetings) and see if you can do some digging and find a conference agenda. That will tell you a LOT about the current topics CRNAs feel are worth discussing.