Related Resources + Files

*Please do not copy and paste exact phrases, hundreds  (if not thousands) of applicants have access to these – personalize it. 

We do NOT recommend using Google Docs, we suggest using the PDF file format and using Adobe Acrobat. 

Remember, always submit your Resumes/CVs as PDFs to prevent formatting issues. 

Let’s discuss the key features of your resume, the content that you must include, and how to format your resume/CV so that it is skimmable, readable and crisp. The attention is in the details!

Resume Writing Notes:

When to start?

Our recommendation is as soon as you are getting ready to start the networking/reaching out process. You’ll want to have your resume ready when you reach out to program faculty. They’ll likely ask for your most updated/current resume/CV and you don’t want to stress and keep them waiting. 

While you probably won’t be handing out your resume or CV at networking events, it’s nice to have a copy just in case. You never want to miss the opportunity. We suggest creating a business card, putting your resume on a QR code on the back. 

RN Business Card Templates

Going to an Open House or AANA Meeting? Bringing a business card with a QR code with your resume on the back is a great way to have something to hand off after a conversation with faculty, SRNAs, or just a meaningful connection. 

Personally, I think physical copies are better than digital (it can be awkward asking people to get out their phone, etc), as they’re easier to just quickly hand over at the end of a conversation. 

What's the difference between a resume and cv?

Typically, a resume is for a job, and a CV is an academic document. The CV grows with your your entire career, can can be many, many pages long (think publications, faculty positions, speaking etc.). 

Typically, for CRNA school, the terms are interchangeable. Some programs have specific templates they want you to use, so always check the website! 

Key tips:

Always put your education in reverse chronological order (at the top should be most recent). Also, if you’re taking a one-off class as a re-take. Include that too! It would go at the top (reverse chronological order, remember?) above your degrees. 

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