Home – The CRNA Club Forums Networking + Shadowing Mid-Year Assembly in DC


  • #12021
    Chazmin Tho

    Hello! I am quite interested in the advocacy portion of this profession and wondering if it is worth while to attend as an RN or it if it is better to stick to the Annual Assembly in Nashville.

  • #12047

    Hey Chazmin! @chazthoe6a9b086

    So Both are excellent, and you’ll be meeting faculty, students, and CRNAs at both. The objective of the events are different, while both discuss advocacy, political activism is the primary focus of the MYA. You’ll learn a tremendous amount about the politics of the profession, why we are such strong proponents of independent practice, how we serve our veterans and the role CRNAs play in providing rural care. The Annual Congress is largely education focused, with speakers discussing the gamut of clinical topics. So, you might be wondering how to determine what days to attend (either event). I would look at the schedule, take a look at the topics and speakers, see if there is a talk or person I am trying to meet or am interested in, and prioritize attending those days. There will be RNs at the MYA, so you won’t be alone!

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