Related Resources + Files

If you like to keep physical notes on each program, we recommend printing these out and filling them out for each school! Especially useful if you’re attending an open house or networking event – quickly reference facts about each program so you appear prepared. 

Oftentimes people wonder if they should apply to a program that offers a DNP or DNAP, and what’s the difference? There are a few nuances you should know to ensure you’re not limiting yourself.

some things you should know:

What to consider when picking a program?

It’s what is the right program for YOU. Each school will have it’s nuances. For example, while many are considered “hybrid” programs with online options, some allow you to do remote, online work the entire first year. While others require you to be there in person from day one, but have some classes online.  

Also, clinical sites vary WIDELY. Your commute time can be as little as 30 minutes for all sites, or you might have to travel every month to remote locations, find your own housing etc. 

Lastly, paying for the “name” is not as important as is the quality of the clinical sites + didactic curriculum. Maybe in other fields going to “Stanford” is prestigious, but at the end of the day, the name of the program matters less (well, unless the program has a terrible reputation), and what’s more important is how competent you are when you graduate. So, don’t be fooled by a $250k program price tag thinking you’re getting the top notch education (not saying you aren’t, but just saying price tag doesn’t mean a better program necessarily). 

How to narrow down your options?

It can be overwhelming filtering through programs, especially if you aren’t limited by location. 

First of all, make sure you start attending open houses even if you’re a year + out from applying. Some programs only have 1-2 open houses per year, and that is your time to get your questions answered. Be sure you are professional and treat these open houses as an interview – don’t ask questions found on the website.

Second, remember, each program will look at different types of GPA. If your highest GPA type is your Last 60 Credits, then maybe consider applying to schools that just look at that (vs. your overall etc.). Or if you have a graduate degree, and did well, look at programs that specifically calculate your graduate GPA as a priority. Every program will look at your science grades, whether they officially calculate your science GPA or not, so you’ll want to ensure you’re retaking the appropriate classes if needed. Watch the video lesson on prerequisites/taking science classes over again if you need more information on that.

Third, talk to current students. How do you do that? Well, our community for one! Social media is a good option if you can find them, and then lastly, you can attend open houses and make connections there. Students will be more than happy to share their experience. 

In addition to open houses, attending state or national meetings are a GREAT way to meet students and faculty, and do a vibe check. You’ll be able to meet a ton of students from multiple programs if you attend a National meeting like the Annual Congress or the Mid Year Assembly. 

Attending state or national meetings is something we HIGHLY encourage, more and more RNs are attending – the best kept secret is getting out! 

School Cheat sheets

Of course you can use your school database notes section to store information, but if you are a pen to paper kind of person, use these School Cheat Sheets as one-pager reference sheets for each program. When you are researching schools, make sure you research faculty, too. When you’re answering the question in your essay or interview, “Why do you want to attend this program?” it’s important to speak to the quality of the faculty as well. Pay close attention to what research they have done, any committees, special clinical experience or advanced training (pain fellowships, etc). 

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