Home – The CRNA Club Forums Prerequisites + GPA Retake Biochemistry?

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  • #12450
    Chloe Mac

    Hi all,

    I am hoping to apply to Wayne State’s program this upcoming summer. However, I am concerned that I may need to retake biochemistry before applying.
    Per Wayne State, “A minimum of one undergraduate course (3 credits) of Chemistry: Organic or Biochemistry (No General Chemistry) taken within 10 years of application with a final grade of “B” or higher” is required. I took Orgo 1 (grade B+), orgo 2 (grade B), and biochem (grade B-) during my undergrad career at U of M. I took biochem on Zoom during COVID and that affected my performance. Wayne says they want orgo or biochem, but I fear that, although I have at least a B in orgo 1 and 2, I will not be competitive if they consider my biochemistry score.

    Thoughts on re-taking biochemistry before applying? Any self-paced online biochemistry course recommendations?

    Thank you!

  • #12457

    @chloemac315 great questions! Yeah I would definitely re-take biochemistry since you landed with a B-, even tho you took Orgo 1 and 2. UCSD extension is great as others have mentioned, and then also check the PreReq Library as all the classes we have there have been recommendations from other applicants!

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