My Thoughts on a Front-Loaded CRNA Program: An SRNA Perspective


There are so many pros and cons to a front-loaded CRNA program. As a mother of two, I value a front-loaded CRNA program greatly. One of my biggest fears about attending CRNA school was relocating and being without my kids for three years. A front-loaded program has provided me with peace of mind. But with any good thing, there are drawbacks. Here are a few pros and cons of front-loaded CRNA programs.


Ability to Stay at Home and Save Money

A frontloaded program was realistic because I could stay home and save money. I relocated before starting school to be closer to my clinical location. This allows me to complete didactic courses from the comfort of my home, depending on the program style. Some programs are hybrid front-loaded, while others are on the ground. I sought out a hybrid program. It is essential to factor in travel costs for intensive sessions. For instance, during the didactic phase of the education program, I had to come on campus for hands-on training. If you live far from campus, you may have to fly and book hotels and a rental car several times throughout didactic training.

Gain Foundation Knowledge Before Starting Clinical

Frontloaded programs lay the groundwork for foundational knowledge before starting clinical rotation. These programs are built for individuals who prefer to focus on complex subjects first. It is a way to master concepts and begin to pull topics together, increasing overall understanding and retention. But keep in mind there are often overlays in any program. This means didactics and clinicals can occur in the same semester or quarter. For me, it made sense to go with a frontloaded program to decrease my anxiety when it was time to step into the operating room.

Family Friendly

For those who have kids, I highly recommend a frontloaded program. Throughout my first year of school, I can still be present in my kids’ lives. This means attending football and soccer games, volunteering at my kids’ schools, and simply walking them to and from the bus stop. Mom’s guilt is real. With a frontloaded program, I can manage school and be present in my kids’ daily lives. It’s all about embracing where you are in the journey and being thankful for the small things. Don’t get too comfortable because priorities will change as the program progresses.


Feeling of Isolation

This topic is discussed infrequently, but sometimes I feel isolated in a front-loaded program. I spend most of my days in an office at home. There is only a little interaction with individuals outside of your home. Residents can feel isolated in a front-loaded hybrid program. Depending on the program you are admitted to, you can spend this period in your home state, which means you cannot build a direct relationship with others going through this journey with you. It’s important to remember you are not going through this journey alone, and many other residents across the country are working towards the same goal

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