
  • #11354
    Lidia Rojales

    Hello everyone!

    I took ochem about 12 years ago and I wanted to retake it. I’ve heard some schools will allow you to take ochem without taking Chem 1&2. There is a college nearby where I live and they offer Ochem but I would probably have to retake Chem 1a&b and then Chem 2a&b prior. That will probably take 2 years so I was trying to look at other online options! I’ve heard UCSD extension and portage are good options but I wanted to hear from anyone who has taken the course and any advice!

  • #11384
    Stormy Smith

    Hey, I haven’t personally used this site but I know someone who has. Just verify the accreditation with the schools you’re applying to before paying for the classes. Straightline.com its self-paced and fully online.

  • #11385
    Lidia Rojales

    Thank you so much! I will check it out

  • #11397

    @lidia-rojales – great question! Our prereq library should be back up soon but here are some classes that we have from applicants as recommended prerequisites for organic chemistry for CRNA school in no particular order:

    – Oregon State U – Chem 331
    – UNE – CHEM 1020
    – Doan U – Chem 205
    – Colorado State U – Chem 245
    – UCSD, Portage, Mass College of Pharm and Health Science are other options.

Reply to: Ochem



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