
  • #11325

    Good morning everyone! I interviewed and was put on the waitlist and was wondering if anyone has any ideas/experience on how to get a spot? The school doesn’t have a numbered list, they just meet up often to decide who gets an acceptance when a seat is available. Thank you all!

  • #11345

    @sonyekab5a1940c3 Hey Stephanie! Be VERY proud of your waitlist! As the start date gets closer, people will make their final decisions and you may get a call at anytime. Remain engaged with the program (ie. attend their open houses, state meetings etc) and continue to keep in touch with any contacts you might have. Otherwise, there is nothing you can really “do” to increase your chances, it’s a waiting game, but remain optimistic and keep on keepin’ on!

    A waitlist means you have what it takes, there truly just aren’t enough seats for qualified applicants. So celebrate your waitlist as counterintuitive as it sounds.

Reply to: Waitlisted!



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